Association Meetings

Vista Field Owners Association

A property owners association was created to oversee and manage Vista Field’s common area improvements. The Vista Field Owners Association meets annually.

The public may attend the meetings virtually via GoTo Meeting (link included in the agenda packet) or in person at the Port of Kennewick Commission Chambers on the second floor of the Port of Kennewick administrative offices at 350 Clover Island Drive in Kennewick, Washington.

On occasion, a meeting may be held elsewhere within the district. For those instances, public notice will be given, and the alternate location will be posted on this webpage.

View of the stream flowing along the street
American flag waves in the wind against a blue sky.

Public meeting notices

For additional information, please call 509-586-1186

Meeting agendas, minutes & recordings

Meetings or agendas with asterisks indicate a special meeting.

Updated Amber Contact